Please tap on a game icon to view some of the work I've completed


The Game

I designed Cooking Merge based on a variety of popular merge games that were doing well around the same time.
The aim of the project was to create a game that was made:

The aim of the game is to unlock all of the characters by merging all the way to the top of the hierarchy, which will mean first mean 1 with 1 to make 2, then merge 2 with 2 to make 3, etc. Each level of character you create would take exponentially more merges than previous ones, making it more and more time consuming to get further. Level 1 would come out of the lootboxes, level 2 took 1 merge, level 3 took 3 merges, level 4 took 7 merge, etc. the formula was previous level x2 +1, meaning by level 22 (the number of characters we had) you'd need to merge over 4 million times! This was great for the game as it allowed us to:

Each character had a little bio that would be shown whenever you unlocked that character for the first time, or when you viewed them in the store, as well as an accompanying voice over to reflect the character's personality. Each character would earn an amount of coins per second they were on the merge board, with the next level earning double, encouraging you to always merge that one last time to earn a bit more while you're away.

My Work

This game came about mainly because a project fell through leaving myself, a programmer and an artist free for a period of time. Rather than idle in this time I found the best performing game of the time, that was within the realms of possibility for 3 developers (soon to be 4) to create in a short period of time, and got to work under the radar.

I'd hoped that would would have enough time before more work came along to at least prove what we could do in that period, and create some exciting characters to stir up some emotions in the rest of the studio. Taking the role of vision holder, as well as designer and producer (by which I mean a long list of task to be crossed off each day) I got to work on the following tasks:

Within a few weeks we had enough to prove this was a viable product that could be taken to market, with an interesting cast of characters that people would love. Despite not getting any UA support and therefore having low download numbers, it does perform well with those who do play it, with plenty of ads being watched and iAPs being purchased.


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