Please tap on a game icon to view some of the work I've completed


White Hot Games was created by me in February 2018 with the aim of making fun, quality indie games for the App Store, for everyone to enjoy. My approach was to create small, incredibly polished games that players can enjoy over and overly, generally being procedural so as to avoid heavy content treadmills and allow me to move onto another game instead.

With a lot of help creating the branding from a friend, I was able to provide a professional look to the company to instill confidence in all who come across it. It was important to get this step right, as the brand quality is a reflection of the game quality, so hitting the highest mark was always going to be the right place to start.

Right now I'm focusing on updating Griddler, as it has a loyal fanbase of increasing numbers and I'd like to make it a more comprehensive game for everyone to enjoy, but once this is done I'll be moving onto the next games to build my portfolio and encourage cross promoting of my games. For more information and lots of nice images, please check out my White Hot Games Instagram account

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